kayaking on Loch Leven near Glencoe, Scotland, 2018

kayaking on Loch Leven near Glencoe, Scotland, 2018

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sleep, Interrupted

I can't say Eric and I didn't sleep last night, but we sure would have slept better if that daggone heart rate monitor would stop alarming. Eric's heart rate was fine, the monitor kept losing the signal. Nevertheless, we've had a good day. Eric has been comfortable, really no shortness of breath, except during PT maybe, and much less coughing today.

The CT scan yesterday shows a sizeable hydro-pneumothorax, but no one really knows what they want to do with it yet. Clinically, Eric is doing great, very stable. The docs aren't in a hurry to try to fix it, if indeed it needs to be fixed at all. They say they'll just watch it for awhile. If it doesn't worsen, they might leave it alone. Pneumo aside, Eric's lungs look remarkably improved compared to the last CT a month ago. More aeration, less consolidation, less cystic/blebby airspaces.

One of our new friends, Pam, came to visit today. A local church, Christ Church Presbyterian, has ties to our church in Pittsburgh, Hiland Presbyterian, and so Christ Church has adopted us, so to speak, which is so nice, cause we know so few people here in Houston. They have a group of volunteers and have put together a schedule so that someone comes to visit most every day. Which is great, cause, since Bob is back in Lake Charles, it gives me a chance to take a shower or get out of the room, go outside or something if I feel like it. Eric and Pam played Scrabble and got to know each other a bit.

As usual, Eric outdid himself on his morning walk with PT/OT, and then walked even farther in the afternoon. The plan is for us to go home in a couple weeks. Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

We all "can't wait" for you guys to come home, we miss you all very much. Haven't had a chance to visit with Bob since he has been back but we hope to see him this weekend. You ALL are in our prayers! Carl & Heather Arabie

Anonymous said...

Wow! Isn't God awesome! This is what the Word of God does. It heals and restores. What a testimony Eric is going to have. Many lives will be touched thru him. Praise God! Father, in the name of Jesus I speak Your Word over Eric's lungs. "By the stripes that wounded You, Eric's lungs ARE healed and made whole". Thank You Father that they are functioning the way You created them to function. Amen
Have a blessed nights sleep!

Anonymous said...

Great news to have you coming home in a couple of weeks. Glad to hear that Eric's lungs are improving. How nice to have a church family away from home. I hope tonight you get very restful sleep. Prayers always for the whole family.
