Years ago, in a little antique shop in Wexford, Pa., called Clara's, I believe, I discovered an amazing treasure. I found a box full of hundreds of vintage Valentines. Above is a small sample collage. Each year, around this time, I pull the box down from the attic and look through this little bit of Valentine holiday history. It's a wonderful collection of whimsy, romance, humor and style from as early as 1910 to I'll guess as late as the 30s or 40s. There are Valentine post cards, pop-ups, sentimental greetings to a spouse, hopeful notes from a suiter, handmade lacy devotions of love, school-mate varieties with corny catch-phrases and animals, and loads of the ever popular, most-often given (I heard that on the radio) "to teacher." Because the stash could last me a lifetime, I enjoy using these Valentines to make Valentines of my own. I had the pleasure of my mom's company last week. She and I spent a fun afternoon reading these old Valentines. We laughed and sighed, wondering about the people who sent these notes of affection a century ago. We gathered paper lace doilies, ribbon and yarn, heart-shaped stickers, red construction paper, gold-glittter pens, glue sticks, scissors, and enjoyed making some of our own valentines (photo below) for the men in our lives we love.
Happy Valentines Day!
What a great find. I know you and your mother had a wonderful trip to a past time. Think of the stories you could create from this treasure trove. Love what you made for hubby and sons.
I used to love the Valentine's Day cards I got and gave in school. I wish I still had them, but I don't. What a treasure you have, and a talent for using it.
What a great time i had making these valentine cards with ny daughter. And my hubby loves the one i brought home. Thank you Angie. m
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