One of the first things I did after moving to Louisiana two years ago was join a writers' group. In a round about way, I discovered the Bayou Writers. Through this group, I've made many good friends who have encouraged me in my career. Each November, BWG hosts a writers' conference. Last year, I joined the conference planning committee. And I'm not sure how it happened, but this year, I found myself in the position of conference chairperson. Maybe because I enjoy delegating, I don't know. In any case, we have what promises to be a wonderful conference this year with excellent speakers. My friend and former editor of Writers' Digest magazine, Melanie Rigney, will be speaking on memoir writing. Kathryn Casey writes true crime. And we have two editors; Charles McGrew from Brown Street Press and Trent Angers with Acadiana Press. If you'd like a brochure/registration form, send your address to
angiedilmore@gmail.com and I'll mail you one.
On a culinary note, I recently baked the easiest ever peanut butter cookies and my family, especially my husband, went ga-ga over them. If you'd like your husband to go ga-ga too, here's the recipe.
Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
Mix these mere 3 ingredients together. Form dough into marble shooter-size balls (or smaller, whatever you like), roll in sugar, make the usual PB cookie criss-cross with a fork, and bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 350 for about 8-9 minutes.
Is this Beverly's recipe? I haven't tried it yet but saw it in her family cookbook. I think she used crunchy peanut butter. Thanks for the endorsement... I'm gonna give it a try this weekend!
Can you believe conference is just around the corner? Yikes!!
I got the recipe from the American Press.
Wow, that is easy! Alex and her daddy would both enjoy them! Thanks!
I'm so excited for you about the writer's conference. I hope that all the delegating goes smoothly. And that it is as simple as the peanut butter cookies. I can't wait to try them. It's definitely a recipe I wouldn't have to go to the store to get complicated ingredients for!
The cookies are a big hit at my house!!
Oooh, give Mel a hug from me, Angie! And shhhh... but I think "sponsors" is misspelled on that flyer. (Kinda small to see here on my netbook.)
Yes, I can't help it. I proofread everything. So sue me. :)
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