Sunday, December 30, 2012

Indian Bayou

I and a small contingent of the Pelican Paddlers braved the chill today and ventured a few miles down Indian Bayou, from Sam Houston Jones State Park to “the island” for one last paddle in 2012. The temperature barely reached 50 today, and I was concerned I would be cold. But I dressed warm enough, maybe even too warm, and had a delightful time. My arms reminded me that I hadn’t been on the water in two months. Too long.

The bayous in Louisiana are beautiful, even in winter.

I didn’t catch any with my camera, but we saw several blue herons. Otherwise, not much wildlife. I suppose one could say one of the best parts of kayaking in the winter is that there are no mosquitoes.

I'd explored Indian Bayou several times in the past, but never before in winter. You can read about a couple of my other trips down this pristine waterway here.

Happy New Year, everyone! How are you celebrating the end of 2012?


  1. Thanks, Jan. Hope you have a wonderful 2013, too!

  2. Your photos make kayaking look so relaxing! I especially love the photo of with the three kayak tips. The reflection of the trees in the water looks other-worldly.

    The day before New Year's Eve, we celebrated with night sledding! New Year's Eve, we did nothing special. I went to bed at 11:45.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year! You make me want to take up kayaking but I know deep down in my gut that I wouldn't like it. Weak arms. Can't swim. Afraid of 'gators, water, all kinds of bugs. Still ... might have to give it a try when Jim retires.
