Friday, February 26, 2016

Petals, Posies, and a Palette of Desert Color

People may imagine the desert to be drab, dusty, and colorless. But the desert is actually home to many wildflowers, as I discovered recently at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona.

A yucca plant in bloom

Pineland Acacia

Desert Bluebell


Pink Penstamon

Red Hot Poker or Torch Lily


Next up . . . sailing over Phoenix in a hot air balloon!


  1. Beautiful photos Angie. I especially like your cover photo too of the sunset. Glad you are enjoying new places and trying new things. Life is an adventure if you take advantage of all the things that you can do. Blessings from NC, Jan

  2. Thanks, Jan. Yes, we enjoy trying new things, going new places.

  3. You're right - that's a lot of unexpected color for desert flora. Very nice!
