Saturday, November 28, 2015

Grant Christmas Tree Farm

Under the category of "Things I've Wanted to do Since We Moved to Louisiana," Grant Christmas Tree Farm has been near the top of my list for many years. Alas, this adventure proved tricky to accomplish. Visiting this popular holiday destination is only an option for the three Saturdays following Thanksgiving. Until today, we either had other plans. Or the weather was lousy. And besides, we had an artificial Christmas tree and had no use for a real one. But last year, our trusty fake tree basically disintegrated.

So today was the day! The Farm opens at 8:00 a.m. -- we aimed to arrive then. We got up bright and early, drove the hour and twelve minutes, and were shocked upon arrival to see a hundred cars already  in the lot at 8:15. Like I said, it's a popular place this time of year. You should have seen the parking mess when we left three hours later!

We headed straightaway to the tree fields. Our first decision was to choose a variety of pine. The Farm grows several.

Once we determined which variety, we searched for "the perfect tree." We were limited by the height of the tree -- no more than six feet -- so it would fit in the back of our vehicle (which is new and waiting to have a roof rack installed.) We don't know the name of this tree variety, but we liked it. What do you think?

Then we strolled the grounds of the festival. There's a lot to see and do. Hayrides, arts and crafts vendors, Santa and other activities for children. Roasted peanuts, fresh-boiled cracklins . . .

this huge swing . . .

animals waiting to be fed . . .

"Hey, got any food?"

new pups and an old dog who loved to have his belly rubbed.

This donkey walks countless circles, demonstrating the frontier way of grinding sugar cane to extract juice to make cane syrup.

There's live music, a gift shop, but the highlight of the festival, besides the trees, seems to be sausage biscuits. Sausage biscuits plain. With cane syrup. With white gravy. Or both. We waited in this line 40 minutes for  . . . sausage biscuits.

I was somewhat baffled. But I gather it is a tradition. Part of the experience. So, we waited.

Apparently bees are fond of cane syrup, too.

We ran into one of the boys' former middle school teachers who told us she and her family have been going to Grant Christmas Tree Farm every year for the past fourteen years. I'm certain we won't go every year -- we'll likely get another artificial tree next year -- but I suspect we'll be back someday. We enjoyed the holiday family time, and I can check this adventure off my endless list.

Trees in the processing area, waiting to be taken home.

What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

1 comment:

  1. This looks like so much fun! I love the giant swing. The sausage biscuits don't quite look like something worth waiting so long for, but what do I know? That last tree - impressive.

    Your post has reminded me that it's time for us to put up our Advent/Hanukkah paper chain. That's one of my favorite family holiday traditions.
