Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012 at the Pintail Wildlife Drive

So, it’s Mother's Day. The one day of the year I am guaranteed to do most anything I want to do. Today was a beautiful day, so naturally, I wanted to be outdoors. I wanted to explore a park I’ve never been to before. I wanted to walk. I wanted to find wildflowers. I settled on the Pintail Wildlife Drive, a 3-mile car path through marsh grass in Cameron Parish. I’ve been there before, several times. But they recently added a boardwalk, and I hadn’t been there since its completion. Pintail is part of the scenic Creole Nature Trail.

We saw plenty of wildflowers.

Pintail is a great place to bird watch.

My favorite wading bird is the roseate spoonbill. I was thrilled to see a couple spoonbills at Pintail today!

It’s a great place to spy alligators, too! We initially kept tabs on how many we saw, but quickly lost count.

How did you spend your Mother's Day?


  1. Beautiful! (Well, I could do without the alligator.) The boardwalk looks like it goes clear to Iowa! I'm so glad you got to go outside today. It was a rainy day here.
