Thursday, October 1, 2009

Homecoming -- Day 1 -- Parade

This weekend is Sam Houston High's Homecoming. A parade marched down Sam Houston Jones Parkway (Moss Bluff's main street). Andrew played in the band. Eric walked with the Environmental Club. Notice I said "walked." How would it look if the Environmental Club frittered away fossil fuels on a float? Besides, the parade route couldn't have been more than half a mile at the most. Bob and I chaperoned with Eric's club. I don't think I ever walked in a parade before. It was fun. Saw so many people I knew. Tomorrow night . . . the big game . . . Big Sam vs. LaGrange Gators.


  1. At the township parade here a few weeks ago, I was surprised to find out that most of the participants threw candy to the onlookers.

  2. Yes, candy is huge here, mandatory, in fact, as well as Mardi Gras beads, no matter the time of year. The Environmental Club also passed out magnets they'd made bottle tops that said Recycle, Love the Earth, Peace, etc.
