Saturday, August 22, 2009

Paying it Forward

God has taught me so many lessons in the past six months. One is the importance of being there for friends in need. After being on the receiving end of so much caring this last half a year, Bob and I are so much more aware of situations where we can help out. And we have a yearning to do so. We find ourselves wanting to take action in situations that, in the past, may not even have been on our radar. So I thank God for opening my eyes a bit to opportunities to help others.

Just today, I put the movie, "Pay it Forward" at the top of my Netflix queue. It's been years since I've seen that movie, and I want my boys to see it. Such a great message. And for any readers who are country music fans, have you heard the song "I Run to You," by Lady Antebellum? You'd never know it by the lyrics alone, but the video has an awesome "pay it forward" message. Check it out on youtube.

And while we're all paying it forward, please pray for our dear friend, Eric's beloved math teacher, Ms. Brenda DeFelice. She's recently been diagnosed with melanoma. They caught it early so she says it's very treatable. But she'll likely be making many trips to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston for awhile.


  1. I like the video. It all comes back around...

  2. I have prayed for Ms. DeFelice, for healing, comfort, wise and carding doctors.
    - Carolyn

  3. Angie, i am sorry to hear about Brenda DeFelice. She is a very special lady. She is in our prayers and also the prayers of my church. Love the pictures of Andrew and Eric!
    ... m
