Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day of School

First day of school. First day of high school! Hard to believe my boys started ninth grade today. As I watched them board the bus, from the embarrass-safe distance of the house, I was flooded with all the same emotions I felt nine years ago on their first day of kindergarten -- the anxiousness of letting go, the trust of allowing others to watch over them, the hope that they'll make good friends, like their teachers, and generally stay safe. And pride. I'm so proud of both our boys. Maybe these emotions are all sharper today because of the journey we've been on with Eric the past six months. I realize with wonder the amazing strides he's made in his recovery. I recall sitting in an ICU conference room at Texas Children's in late March with two doctors who were caring for Eric. They were discussing his care plan and prognosis. I remember asking them if they thought Eric would be able to start school in the fall. They both shook their heads. No. They thought Eric would still have a tracheostomy, still be on a ventilator. They never dreamed he'd no longer need the oxygen tank by this time. If only they could see Eric now.

I'll be praying for my boys all day today. And thanking God for miracles.


  1. Sharing your praise today, Angie. The journey you ALL have had the last few months is one of faith and growth. May the Lord hold your boys today (and everyday) as they continue to grow into Godly men!

  2. Well, I am crying again, but this time i am crying from joy. It is so wonderful to see Andrew and Eric walking off to catch the bus together. Praise God for all He has done and will continue to do!!! Thank you for the pictures.
    love ... m

  3. Yep, more crying here too. So emotional to see these photos. I'm so glad I got to spend some time with Eric and Andrew (and you) before the school year started. Can't wait to hear about their first day of high school! Love you all!!
