Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Kindness of Friends and Strangers

People, generally, are kind, wouldn't you say? My family certainly has been on the receiving end of kindness a lot these past many months. Last night, the boys and I went to see the Lake Charles Community Band play at the Civic Center outdoor amphitheater. Eric knows the conductor, Mr. Lauderdale, from last summer at GPGC. So afterwards, we went to the stage to say Hi. Mr. Lauderdale encouraged Eric to come early next week and rehearse with them, said he'd give Eric an easy percussion part to play. Kindness. On our way home, naturally, we stopped at Sonic. They really messed up our order. Not at all the carhop's fault, but nevertheless, she didn't charge us for a drink. Kindness. When we tried to leave Sonic, we discovered our car battery was dead (Only hours after Bob left the country for Mexico. Figures.) I called a nearby friend who was there within minutes to give me a jumpstart. Kindness. I had a writers' group conference team meeting/luncheon at my house today, and a fellow planner brought a pineapple upside-down cake for dessert. Kindness. The boys and I planned to get a new battery today after Eric's piano lesson. The car started no problem here at home, but wouldn't start at the piano studio. The instructor's brother was there, don't even know his name, but he hooked up the jumper cables with a smile. Kindness.

The list goes on and on. Every day, we don't have to look far to find good-natured people with generous acts of kindness. Causes me to ask myself, 'What can I do to make someone else's day easier or more pleasant?'


  1. That's something you do on a regular basis Angie. So often and so naturally, I'm sure you don't even realize you're doing it.

  2. i agree with Lisa. You have always been the neighbor who welcomes a new comer with cookies or a covered dish. Who offers help to someone who is down or just needs to talk. Well, now it is being given back to you. Thank you Lord.
    ... m

  3. just got caught up on the last 2 wks of your blog. Eric looks wonderful! praise God for continued progress, and prayers for Sue as she heals and grieves.
    Safe travels to Bob.
    Anne and Tom

  4. I think the movie PAY IT FORWARD sums up your feelings. What we do for others is with no thought of repayment. When the occasion arises, the recepient just passes the good deed on. It is a pleasure to know your wonderful family and you. Hope you now have a new battery to keep your energy up.


  5. You reap what you sow! Sow good things and good things come back to you.
