Monday, May 11, 2009

Little Things

Here's a happy shot of Eric taken at church yesterday by the pastor's wife with her cell phone.

I find it interesting how the past three months have taught me to value little things in life that prior to that I probably took for granted. Not surprisingly, most of these things revolve around home. Things like tucking my children into their own beds. Riding my bike. Grocery shopping and running into friends in the store. Relatively quiet nights. Watering plants. Sitting down together as a family for meals. Petting my cats. Showering in my own bathroom, doing laundry in my own utility room, sitting on my own couch, walking to my mailbox at the end of my driveway. You get the picture. I've learned that the security and sanctuary of home isn't necessarily a given, that circumstance and necessity (illnesses, natural disasters, life obligations, etc.) can take home away, either temporarily or permanently. After the past three months, I don't see things the same way. I'm more appreciative and thankful for the seemingly mundane. And so glad to be home.

Eric's post-PT Sonic snack . . . A chili cheese coney with jalapenos and a grape limeade.


  1. I am hoping and praying that Eric's recovery continues at this pace. After reading about his treat at Sonic today, I would say his digestive tract is A-okay. Yikes, at 48 I am not sure I could have consumed that. Way to go Eric. Comparing yesterday’s picture to the one taken in mid April, one can see remarkable improvements. Thank you for sharing your story through words and pictures. You all have taught us a lot about the many aspects of faith, family and friends. My continued thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I am sending hugs from Pittsburgh for all of you, too!

  2. I agree with Amy. I know what my condition would be if I treid to consume a chile cheese coney, much less with jalapenos. All of us who have read your blog daily are happy that you are now back in Moss Bluff to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. (cliche) The best things in life ARE free. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

    Love, bev

  3. junior burgers with jalapenos added are decent too.

  4. You're making me hungry! I love jalapenos on my burgers... olives too!

    Welcome home, guys! Love you. J

  5. I have been following this blog since Eric has began this dreadful journey. My dad was going through the same procedures following a surgeon's mishap at St. Paticks so I was familar with the medical language you were using, i.e. blood gas, trach, PH, and so on. Sadly, after 41 days he didn't make it. Following his death, I so wanted your son to pull through and come home. Even though you don't know me, I prayed for Eric and it is such a delight to read of his amazing progress. You and your family are remarkable. God speed to Eric in his recovery and keep up the good work of keeping everyone posted.
