Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Taking a Step Backwards

Sorry everyone. I know you all love those postive good news posts. We do too. Today just hasn't been a good day. Back on the roller coaster. I should have recognized the omen when he woke up sullen, hungry, thirsty, and not wanting to do physical therapy. PT came early AM, and despite his reluctance, Eric STOOD bedside, on his feet, for the first time in a month, for 30 seconds. Such a challenge, his legs are SO weak. And he did his leg exercises too. OT worked his arms, and promised to come back around 1:00 to try some more drinking and eating. But after PT, Eric soon complained of intense (9 out of 10 on the pain scale) pain just under his breastbone. He was also increasingly short of breath. So began the quest to find out the cause. Was it his heart? Pneumothorax? Pulmonary embolism? Anxiety? They did a chest x-ray, EKG, ABG, everything looked fine. They guessed it was some kind of rib/intercostal/inflammation type of pain. They gave him some pain medication, and Eric fell asleep. but while he slept, his heart rate rose from an already high 130s up to 160s. He spiked a temp. He threw up several times. So now they suspect he's got an infection? Or drug withdrawl? They sent blood and sputum cultures, and urine, next time he has to pee. And now he's back on antibiotics and steroids, both of which he just got off of a few days ago. PT, OT, and CPAP trials are on hold till he feels better. By mid-afternoon, the sternum pain was gone, like phantom. Two steps forward, one step back. We'll still get there, just slower.


  1. Be not discouraged or dismayed...

    His banner over Eric is love.

  2. Praying for you still...thank you for continuing to keep us updated. Knowing what to specifically pray for helps. Our family has found such joy in praying for yours and checking back each day to see what work the Lord is doing in your lives. He is such a great God! Stay positive and keep looking for His miracles daily!

  3. Don't be moved by what you see and hear. Stand on the Word that says "by the stripes that Jesus bore Eric IS healed" from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Thank You Jesus for pouring your graciousness on Eric.

  4. Prayers still happening here.

  5. Ang . . . we've been so worried. Please know that we have been thinking about you and praying for you every day. If we can do anything at all, please let us know. My in-laws are in Austin and my father in-law works for American Airlines. Now that I have the blog address, I'll be checking in each day. Please be sure you and Bob are taking care of yourselves too.

    Love and prayers,
    Renee, Greg, Kiersten and Gerad
