Tuesday, April 28, 2009

PS Post PT

It would seem I posted prematurely this afternoon, but I thought I had nothing left to say. That was prior to physical therapy. This morning, Eric walked the full lap around the unit, and we thought that was pretty impressive. But this afternoon, he walked around twice!


  1. you da man eric!!!

  2. Wow! What an athlete. Twice around the unit. Before long you will be measuring in miles. So glad to hear you may be home by next weekend. We miss you. I pray that God will bless your return and the visiting caregivers will be just what Eric needs. God has blessed him with strength and determination to work hard to regain his health.

    Love to all, bev

  3. Awesome! I'm so glad to hear about all this walking. Keep on keepin' on (that's what we used to say in the 70s, anyway).
    - Carolyn

  4. thats awesome!! good job eric. whoo hoo!

  5. Eric,
    Your accomplishments speak volumes about you and I pray that all of your determination will soon pay off for you and your family.

    As much as I love reading the daily "good news" that your mom sends out to all of your "followers"... I'd much rather you be home and fully recovered with nothing more for your mother to blog about.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  6. Sheesh, I'm cryin' again. :) Lately I LOVE checking this blog each day. Can't thank you enough for the regular updates.

    And hey, I doubt I could do twice around much of anything so it sounds as if he's doing just great! Yay Eric! Yay You! Yay God! :)

  7. Sounds like Eric has set his mind to getting out of there...SOON! Fantastic job. How's he feeling today?

  8. Wonderful news! Keep it up! Our prayers continue.
    Sara, Mark and Rachel

  9. I can hear the song in your hearts through your words.
    Thank God for Eric's progress!
    Wont be long now...Homeward bound!
    God bless you and keep up the hard work!

  10. Great news! Keep working hard and get home soon! (And push a little of the Texas warmth up this way).

    Love, Ettengers

  11. Wonderful!

    On a more serious note, I heard that the child who died from swine flu was at Texas Children's, and I immediately thought of you all. Stay clean and safe!
