Sunday, April 5, 2009

ICU Impatience

Quiet day. Long day. Tired day. Eric's still doing well physically, but he's had insomnia for two or three days now, even more, and he's completely frustrated, not to mention fatigued. He just can't sleep. The trach ties around his neck are too tight, but he has to wait till tomorrow when he gets his new trach for them to change the ties. Despite a long foot and hand massage from Mom, winning a game of Yahtzee with Drew and Dad, SpongeBob on TV, jazz CDs, and his favorite nurse Randy on duty, Eric is not happy today. He wants to be out of the bed, out of ICU, out of the hospital. He wants to sit in the sunshine awhile, feel a breeze, eat something besides ice chips, say something. He wants to sleep. As patient as my son is, he's reaching the end of his IV tubing. We're getting close to these things, but Eric is having trouble seeing beyond the frustration of here and now. He's still being incredibly patient and cooperative, but I can see and sense the underlying depression. Lately, we're getting excited about the slightest smile on Eric's face. Like when he rolled his second "Yahtzee" in one game.


  1. You can do it Eric! Look how far you've come already. I'm praying for you and your family.

    Elayne Gabbert
    GPGC Choral Director

  2. eric has the Dilmore touch two yatzees in one game. Glad I didn't play. It's badenough losing to cathy all the time. Remind me not to play cards with him. Uncle Steve

  3. Sounds to me like Eric's frustrations and weariness of ICU is a good sign that he is getting well!
    Praying for a restful sleep for him.

  4. Father I pray for peaceful sleep for Eric tonight. Cover him in Your peace so that he will awake refreshed in the morning. Encourage him Lord so that he can see that the end of this is near. I bind depression off of Eric's mind and emotions in the name of Jesus. I pray that the joy of the Lord that is Eric's strength mount a guard around his heart and mind and keep him in Christ Jesus. Thank You in the name of Jesus.

  5. Hi Eric, wish I had been there to play Yatzee with you. It's one of my favorite games. I don't like to lose, but who can argue with 2 yatzees in one game!?! You must be ready for new things. Thanks to your mom we are all keeping up with your progress. I admire your will to work through all the trials you have faced. God bless you and give you a good night's sleep.

    Love, bev

  6. Please tell Eric that his friends from Sam Houston were awesome at the pancake breakfast yesterday! They looked great in their chef hats and they cooked some yummy pancakes, too! They even waited tables. The only thing missing was the Dilmore family! We will certainly celebrate when you all are back in LC! Our prayers continue! Sara, Mark and Rachel

  7. Eric - Your family in Georgia are thinking about you and wishing you a speedy exit from that hospital.

    Man, your one tough cookie!

    Can't wait to see you and your family again. It's been a while since we last saw you in NC. I think it's about time we all got together again, real soon.


    Bill, Judy, Caton, Ashley, Emily
