Friday, April 24, 2009

Radiology Lesson

For a long time, Eric has wanted to see his x-rays. He finally got his wish this morning when Dr. Vece, the pulmonary resident, took a lot of time and showed and explained to Eric both his x-rays and CT scans from when Eric first got here and this past week. So Eric saw not only the issues of his lung injury, but also the degree of improvement his lungs have made. We've been telling him how much he's getting better, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

This week has gone by so fast, both Eric and I agree. We can't believe it's Friday already and Bob and Mom are coming back tonight for the weekend. When we think about how quickly this week has gone by, we know the next two will also go fast and we hope to be home before we know it.


  1. right on Eric! Way to go.

  2. What a great thing for Eric to be able to see his improvement. The old adage, 'seeing is believing' comes in to play here. Hip, hip, hurray for Eric. It's been a long road I know, but at least now the hill is not nearly so steep. Keep up the good work and keep faith in God that all will one day be back to normal, or as close as possible. Enjoy the company.

    Love, bev

  3. I praise God that Eric is still on the mend. We miss you at the group meetings, Angie. It will be good to have you back.

    Pat M.

  4. Hi Angie and Eric!
    this is all such good news!
    Looking wonderful, Eric!
    Glad to hear the Drs took some time to help Eric understand what's happened and how much improvment he has made.
    Tell Eric keep up the great work. Home will look so good to you both!!
    I think your Lake Charles home will feel more like home than ever now.
    I was thinking about when we moved from the NYC area to Pgh, and how long it took to be "at home" in Pittsburgh. It was the connections we made to the folks at Hiland Church that really made us know we were at home here.
    After all you've been through, and the support you have had from your new community of faith and friends, going home to Lake Charles will be a very special blessing indeed.
    As always, thanks for the updates.

  5. Hi,

    My name is Karel. I have been in a Bible Study with Joan Quinn at Trinity Baptist Church in Lake Charles. Eric, we feel like we know you. Our group has lifted you up to God many times since February. I love being able to check your progress. It is awesome to see Our Great Physician at work. Hope the next two weeks fly by!
