Thursday, March 26, 2009


We had a few visitors come in today. A gal with ICU child life services came and talked to Eric, gave him a little pep talk, counseling him and encouraging him that all will be much easier and better and more interesting when he graduates out of ICU. An ENT (ear nose throat) fellow came in and talked to us about the tracheostomy procedure. Still scheduled for "sometime next week." Physical therapy came in once today. Eric sat up for the first time here and dangled bedside for almost 2 minutes. That was pretty exciting. And he's doing his other exercises also. They say they'll start twice a day tomorrow.

Eric's ICU attending and fellow took Bob and I into a conference room and tactfully told us we need to start taking better care of ourselves. As in get more sleep, get out of the hospital now and then, etc.. Yikes! Is it that obvious? It's true, we are tired. But we don't want to leave Eric. If only he had a voice and could more easily get someone's attention if he needs something. We just want to be here for him. We told him we would.


  1. We continue to pray here in West Virginia. You are never far from our thoughts, always in our prayers and FOREVER in our hearts!

  2. It is good to hear that Eric is able to do at least minimal therapy. It has to feel good to be able to just dangle his legs. Please take the doctor's advice and get some rest so you will feel like helping Eric. I know as a parent it is hard to leave his side. It seems every time you write another prayer is being answered. We pray for you and Bob to rest, walk, and let the endorphins help. Get some fresh air. As always, you are in my prayer morning, night, and all day long.

    Love and God's blessings, bev

  3. Hi Angie and Bob: Lenn and I concur with the attending as we could see how exhausted the two of you were on Sunday. We pray you can get much needed rest soon. We are so glad that the doctors have a plan going forward to which you and Bob can agree. Prayers... Ann

  4. We are continuing to pray for you all. You've just identified a business opportunity, though! Patients on a vent need to be able to text message to the nurse's station! Not really kidding at all....

  5. You must take care of yourselves. For Eric's sake. I believe that Eric's recovery will be much quicker than they are expecting. Praise God for prayers being answered. And it's not done with. They will continue to be answered so every day look for the miracles that are taking place. God has a special plan for Eric. What a testimony he will have to inspire people to God.

  6. It is so good to hear how Eric is making progress. Every day, a little more. Getting there, getting there.
    I'm sure you will heed the doctors advice and figure out a way for both of you to get some much needed rest...for all your sakes.
    As things have settled into a more stable mode, there's likely less of the adrenaline you've been running on.
    We pray and think of you all the time.
    Thanks for the continued blog updates. (You write beautifully, Angie.)
    Anne P

  7. As a quiet member of First Presbyterian, I have been following your situation and praying for you and family. Yes, you need to take care of yourselves, or you will not be able to be there for Eric. Believe that he knows you are with him in thought and spirit, even if you are not there in body.
    BTW, I am a transplant as well, from Canada, and feel empathy in moving far from 'home'.
    Know that you are not alone, and if there is anything I can do to help, please ask. Fred knows how to reach me.
