Thursday, March 12, 2009


We had a little bit going on this morning. Eric prefers very small changes made when it comes to weaning, especially off the ventilator. And I think he may have felt a little rushed this morning. But we've had a very quiet, calm, comfortable afternoon/evening. We're successfully weaning off the nitric oxide, and Eric hasn't tuckered out on the CPAP (10)/PSV (35) ventilation mode. I'm hoping we'll drop those pressures some tomorrow. He's sitting at .70 FiO2, but that's okay, while we wean the nitrate.

Just FYI, the time on my posted blogs is not accurate, at least not in Louisiana. I'm not sure what time zone the blog thinks it's in, but it's not central time. The time here is 8:56 PM. We'll see what the blog post time is.

I want to thank all of you for the encouraging comments you all (notice I haven't started saying y'all yet) leave on this blog. They are so helpful to us, to know that so many are out there supporting us and covering us in prayer. If it weren't for your comments, emails, cards, phone calls, visits, etc., after 4+ weeks here, we would start to feel quite isolated. So, thank you.


  1. It is only one small step from "you all" to "y'all." I love the word "y'all," as it fills a gap in the English language. Most other languages have a different word for second person plural versus singular.

    I will close by saying that I am praying for y'all. May God's great wide love envelop all the Dilmore family.
    - Carolyn

  2. I'm headed to bed and just wanted YA'll to know I love you and I think of you constantly. I'm 'Amening' Carolyn's prayer. She says it all with, "May God's great wide love envelop all the Dilmore family."

  3. The y'all will come in time :-)

    I'm glad the afternoon was calm and comfortable. Hopefully a little more progress tomorrow, and then the next day, etc.

  4. I'm praying for "all y'all" as we say here in Texas! I will be back in the Bayou on Saturday or Sunday.
    So many of my friends and former students are praying for Eric that it's amazing! I know that Eric is loved and will get better soon.

    Sue D.

  5. Dear Carolyn and Sue D.,

    Yes, the plural of y'all is "all y'all," here in southwest LA too.

  6. I pray that you feel God's loving hand envelop you as you are walking this journey and that you have the peace that passes all understanding. I have a perogie dinner in the freezer waiting for yall and my offer for pepperoni rolls still stand. Let me know when I can bring them over. Take care. LeeAnn Bush

  7. Praise God! God is sooo good all the time. Improvement every day is healing taking place in Eric's body. As the Word says" by the stripes that Jesus bore Eric IS healed. With all the prayer being offered up for Eric he can't help but be healed. Isn't it awesome knowing and having a relationship with Our Father? Greatest thing in the world. We can rest in His Word knowing that it WILL come to pass in our lives if we believe it and are confessing it. Eric is so special to God that He has people who don't know your family praying for you (like my husband and me). And our prayers get answered. Not because we're special but because we know the Word and we pray it (in the name of Jesus) and believe it. Glory to God Eric will recover and be better than he was before. May the peace of God which passes all understanding wrap a guard around your hearts and minds and keep you in Christ Jesus.
