Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Glimmers of Hope

We're seeing glimmers of hope. Once the doctor got here, he tweaked the settings on the vent a bit, gave Eric two units of blood, and added nitrous oxide through the ventilator. These actions had a myriad of results, most notably, brought his SaO2 to 100%, so we were able to decrease the FiO2 from 100 to 75%. And the PaCO2, which later this morning hit a scary high of 180, has dropped to 70. So, while far from out of the woods, we're encouraged and hopeful. You have no idea how much all your thoughts, concerns, and prayers mean to us. Thanks!


  1. Oh, I'm liking those numbers much better (180??!!). Thank you Lord for continuing to watch over Eric. One glimmer at a time! Love you all!

  2. I've never met you, but I wanted to let you and your family know that I'm praying for Eric! My mom (Sheri Franklin, she knows you from Dynamic) has been updating me on your son's progress. The last update is definitely good to hear!!! I will keep praying that God will wrap his arms around Eric and make him stronger every single day!! My prayers are also with you and your husband.

  3. Praise the Lord! Keep the good news coming Angie. Still praying without ceasing.


  4. My husband and I are praying for Eric and your family.
    He belongs to a Mighty God who always answers prayer when we pray His Word. We thank God that by the stripes that Jesus bore Eric is healed and whole from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. That is what the Word says and It does not lie. It (the Word) is life and healing. Tell Eric that he is healed. It may not look like it or feel like it but the Word is what is the truth. And it changes circumstances here and now if we believe it and say it. Healing belongs to Eric. It's in the Word. Praise God

  5. Call those things which are not as though they are and they will be. Eric is healed. Praise God.

  6. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We're calling on the name of Jesus -- and I agree and believe with all my heart that Eric is healed! Thanks you Jesus!
    Keep the Good News coming, Angie. We can't get enough of it. Love you and yours.

  7. When will you stop praying long enough to get him to a commpetent physician? I have been through similar and buried my son. You will be on your knees praying when these Lake Charles incompetent docs. declare him dead. Spend your resources getting him to Methodist in Houston. Pray after he get's there and they have done all they can do!

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  10. My child was at LC Memorial under the same docs. If you don't stop praying long enough to get him to competent physicians in Houston these LC docs will finish what life started. Get him to Houston Methodist! ASAP!

  11. God Is Good All The Time. I can feel his healing, see it in my mind's eye. Peace be to you and your family.
    A mom from Texas

  12. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm so sorry about your child. I can't imagine anything more devastating than losing a child. Thank you for your concern. Others have said the same, that we should go to Houston. And we have considered it. We've discussed that possibility with many people, some of whom we trust say they don't feel there's anything they can do in Houston that they're not doing here. But more importantly, Eric isn't stable enough to be transported. Because of the considtion of his lungs, he wouldn't be able to fly, he'd have to go by ambulance, and who knows how long that might take on I-10. Even normal traffic might be too long. If anything would happen to Eric on the way, we'd never forgive ourselves. And we trust Dr. Thompson. We've been told he's one of the best pulmonologists in the state. People who know him rave and we've never heard anything negative about him. He's guenuinely concerned for Eric and we trust he's doing everything he can to help Eric get well.

  13. Angie, I'm glad to hear this good news. Please keep us posted as much as you can, and we are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    The Cavells

  14. Angie and Bob,
    I know you both, and I have every confidence that you are doing the right things and making the right decisions. I continue to pray for healing, strength, and wisdom for everyone involved.

  15. The Whole Hiland Youth group has been praying for ALL of you, and our prayers will continue. You might not be so surprised to know that within the youth group we have a lot of true "Prayer Worriors".
