Friday, March 20, 2009


The good news today is that Eric was extubated around noon. But he's not exactly flying like we'd like him to. Since extubation, he's been struggling pretty hard. He's on a simple face mask, and his SaO2 is high 90s. His PCO2 is 80-something, but his pH is 7.31, so he's compensating and the doctors aren't concerned. But he's working really hard. Right now (4:30 pm) he's sleeping, and even asleep, he's short of breath. We had a very frank talk with the cardio-thoracic surgeon this afternoon, a Dr. Salazar. He took a lot of time and explained the situation, somewhat. Truth is, he's not exactly sure where things are going right now with these lung leaks. They're a very serious problem. Best case scenario would be if Eric could remain off the ventilator, and the leaks could close on their own. Both those events are long shots. If he has to be re-intubated, the chance of them closing without surgery are nil. Even extubated, who knows. I'm usually optimistic, but sometimes I'm realistic also. And I don't feel hopeful. I hope I'm wrong. If the leaks don't close, Eric will require surgery, but the surgeon would surely prefer not to. He says he'd have to take out more lung. Eric may be left with only one lobe on each side. Even if the leaks do close on their own, Eric may still require surgery of his lungs don't expand more. This is all such a disaster. I can't imagine how he'll ever play soccer, play trumpet, all these things he loves, ever again, if indeed, he even survives. The surgeon says we're at a crossroads. And he's on board with doing whatever needs to be done.

So, prayer warriors, we need to pray like never before. We need more miracles. Eric needs those leaks to close. He needs his lungs to expand. I don't know what else to say. Except that I thank you all.


  1. He WILL survive ... and be a testimony to he power of love, prayer, and God's power. And that's the bottom line!

    Time to be strong even though you're tired

  2. Eric will get through this. I know it. Your prayer warriors are praying.

  3. Father you are the Creator.So I pray in Jesus name that you Lord create new lungs in Eric. Cause the leaks to close and his lungs to expand. I bind up every assignment against Eric and render it useless and of no effect in the name of Jesus. Father flow thru Eric, strengthen his body and encourage him. Make him strong in You Lord. Minister Your love to Eric and his family. Encourage them, surround them with your peace and strengthen them. Meet every need they have. Thank You Father in Jesus name

  4. Angie and Bob,

    We are praying for Eric, that his lungs heal and work properly quickly, for more Miracles. We are also praying for both of you.

    Susan & Bobby

  5. Angie, Bob and Family,

    We are surely keeping Eric in our prayers. The Lord will close those leaks and heal Eric's lungs!
    I know you had mentioned, Angie, that you are not sure if Eric will ever play soccer or his trumpet again, but believe that Eric is meant for something special...if not those things, then something else. Eric is such a bright, strong boy...I admire him and all of you in the handling of his illness.
    We will keep Andrew in prayer as well. Please let him know we all said "hello" and are thinking of him as well as Eric. My heart goes out to all of you. God bless.

    Love, Kelli Schell and Family

  6. Without knowing a lot about Eric’s vital numbers it seems as though all of them have been worse at times before today.
    When I showed up in Houston after three weeks in Lake Charles I almost lost both legs from infections that LC could have treated not to mention the trauma. It took three plus weeks and multiple surgeries, then more surgery two months later. After a year I had more surgery, one on each leg. I walked on a broken leg with a rod in the bone for a year waiting on healing.
    Five years and fifteen surgeries later if you include the times I went under to open clean and debride (remove dead tissue). I am working, walking, riding a bike for up to 50 miles, and swimming. I say all this not to point to me but to say sometimes when we think healing takes a long time we don't really understand how long. It's been five years for me. I'll never have the vitality I once had, however I am much farther along than anyone thought I ever would be.
    Although you are all weary don’t become discouraged like you said in an earlier blog post this is a marathon. Eric is going to need you both too help him for along time. However you both must take care of yourselves and make every effort to rest if your are going to be available to help him.


  7. I have sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of what to say besides "I am praying". And then I realize that "I am praying" is all I need to say right now. So I will say goodnight, and pray myself to sleep. I hope you do too.
    Anne P.

  8. Please don't lose hope because "faith is the substance of things hoped for" and faith is what is going to complete the healing in Eric's body. Speak the Word to Eric and to yourselves. 1 Peter 2:24 says that by the stripes that Jesus bore Eric IS healed. When you speak God's Word you are releasing faith because His Word is faith. Believe it, continue to speak it and it will happen just as the Word says it will because it cannot lie. It is the truth. It doesn't matter what it looks like, sounds like, feels like. What does the Word say. That's truth. Don't say negative things even if you must bite your tongue. Speak the Word and the Word only over and about Eric. Read the story about Jairus in the gospels. Jesus said "believe only" and Jairus never uttered a word contrary to the Word of God and his daughter lived and was healed. I believe Eric is going to recover from this because God has a plan for his life. May you have a blessed day all of you. God loves you.

  9. Good Morning, Angie, It's a cold and frosty morning in the 'Burgh, but the sun is shining, and the weatherman promises milder temps as the day goes on. I never know how much stock to place in the wm's predictions, but I do know that we are in the process of welcoming spring and new beginnings of the greater promises the Lord has for us.
    I remember sitting in church one Sunday morning, several years ago, feeling exhausted and despondent with my own personal situation of being primary care-giver for 3 close family members, one being my mother who had colon cancer. That morning in prayer, Larry reminded us that when we feel we are at the end of our resources, to remember that God is just at the beginning of His, and to place ourselves in His care. (or words quite similar) I felt as if I was receiving personal testimony from the Lord at that moment, that if I turned it over to Him, things would be better. AND THEY WERE. I looked around at all my Hiland friends, and knew in them there was continued strength for moving on.
    I put those words in my memory bank, slight as it is these days, and drew on them constantly. Everytime I repeated them, I felt the Lord's presence and renewed energy and strength within me.
    Dear Lord, we trust in your resources. Grant us the patience to see you at work in whatever we need and whatever we do. Place your healing hands on Eric. Give him physical comfort and renewed strength to continue battle to wellness. Place your loving and caring hands on Angie, Bob, Andrew and family, as they so patiently await Good News. Grant them peace and comfort and the knowledge that in you help comes. In Jesus, we pray for your strenghth and help. Please bring them encouraging signs of better days ahead. In your name, we pray, with Christ's blessings and love. Amen. Yours in Christian love, Willa
