Thursday, January 1, 2009

What's For Dinner on New Years?

Where I come from, it's tradition to eat some variation of pork and sauerkraut on New Years. Pork roast, pork chops, pork kielbasa, heck, even a hot dog . . . and sauerkraut. We eat it for good luck in the new year. Tonight for dinner, my family and I had pork loin and sausage, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, corn souffle, and (I know about y'alls custom here in the south) black-eyed peas. It was all delicious. So what do you traditionally eat for dinner on New Years? Leave a comment and let me know.


  1. On New Years we had pheasant for dinner, along with cheese curls and rice. And donuts for dessert. Yum.

  2. New Year's Day is not a big holiday for me. I go all out for Christmas dinner, but am totally done for by New Year's! So we generally have junk food, processed food, all the stuff that I usually don't allow the family to eat. Twinkies Rock!

  3. cabbage, black eyed peas, potatoes and sausage(and I think I snuck in some honey bonesless wings from walmart?! can't remember 5 days ago.)

