One day not long ago, I received a letter from my niece in Pennsylvania. Folded inside the envelope was a perfectly-colored Flat Stanley, of picture book fame, and instructions to take Flat Stanley on adventures, then return him with a letter and photos. It's all part of a geography/social studies project her second grade class is doing. So, this weekend we showed Stanley around SWLA a bit.
On Friday, I met Bob for lunch at a little diner in Lake Charles called Mary Ann's so Stanley could try some authentic Louisiana chicken and sausage gumbo. He loved it and so did Bob and I.

Later that evening, we traveled north to Reeves with two other families so all the kids could get lost in a cornstalk maze. The
maze is so cool, made in the shape of Louisiana.

Saturday was Eric and Andrew’s 15th birthday. Supposedly they are now eligible to obtain their driver’s permits, but that’s a blog for another day. We went camping at Sam Houston Jones
State Park, an easy six miles down the road. So convenient I went home on Sunday to feed the cat and take a shower.
We took Stanley on a hike through the swamp. Unfortunately, Stanley didn’t have a bike, so he couldn’t join the boys on their rugged trail rides.

The air was chilly Sunday morning, so Stanley warmed himself by the campfire.

Overall, I’d say Flat Stanley enjoyed his visit to Louisiana, but it’s time to send him home.